Camp Staff Application
Form FM 10N
Developed by American Camp Association
Expires 10/01/10
Do you meet or exceed any minimum age requirements for that position?
Can you perform the essential functions of the job for which you have applied,
with or without reasonable accommodation?
If you are hired would you desire or need housing for any person(s) other than yourself at the camp?
Past Work History Provide a full record of all employment — paid and volunteer — and explain any gaps in employment. Include
any positions on camp staff. Use a separate sheet, if necessary.
References Give names and addresses of three persons [not relatives] having knowledge of your character, experience, work habits, and ability.
Camp Experience
Education High School and Beyond
This form has been drafted to comply with federal employment laws; however, ACA assumes no responsibility or liability for the use of this form.
Copyright 1979 by American Camping Association, Inc. Revised 1990, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2004, 2007.
Thank you! We’ll be in touch.